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      Twenty-nine year old Detroit native, Victoria Armstead is the proud founder of I'm Somebody's Good Thing.  She loves God with every fiber of her being and lives to please Him. She spends her time working, ministering, seeking God, telling about the ISGT movement, and developing new ideas.

    There was a burden on her heart for the current and future generations of women.  She knew that she needed to do something to help change what was happening because she was fed up with seeing women devalue themselves. After prayer and a conversation with her god sister, Dionna Jackson, she started the I’m Somebody’s Good Thing movement, in 2014.

      This movement strives to teach and assure ladies of their value, worth, beauty, and treasure by causing them to understand that validation and self-esteem are not given by man, but by God. The basis and premises of this movement is Proverbs 18:22 where it says, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” The reason this scripture was chosen is because while reading Victoria got a revelation. Many people know this scripture and quote it religiously, but she wants to introduce us to a deeper meaning.  Victoria wants people to notice that it says that the man finds a good thing, and not that she becomes a good thing after she is sought out by a man. Women are indeed that treasure of endless value before the pursuit even begins and that’s why the scripture goes on to say that the man is granted God’s favor. She thinks it’s about time that women realize this about themselves and God has given Victoria a charge to help her sisters.

      Victoria was recently awarded the "Millennial Making A Difference" award from the I Am A Priority organization for the work she does for the ISGT movement. She uses tools like social media and apparel to spread this message. I’m Somebody’s Good Thing also likes to go and speak to women face to face whether it be one-on-one, at workshops, or conferences. So far this movement has been able to inspire so many ladies and she wants MORE! Victoria has chosen to take a stand a say, “I’m Somebody’s Good Thing” and it is her heart’s desire that ladies all over the world will join her. She earnestly wants to bring glory to God by promoting wholeness through Him!


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Victoria A.
Good Thing - Victoria Armstead


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